Diversifying Talent In Quantum Computing
This project, led by Lukas Chrostowski, aims to bring quantum computing themed workshops, local events, summer camps, and public outreach to youth in the K-12 grade range. Through hands-on activities, interactive software tools, and implementing best practices in curriculum development, this initiative aims to break down barriers of entry and empower young people who are interested in STEM, in exploring a future in quantum computing. There is a particular focus on reaching young women, Indigenous youth, and other underrepresented groups. With academic (SFU, UVic, UBC Geering Up Engineering Outreach) and industry partners (D-Wave Systems, Microsoft), as well as co-investment from the Canadian Digital Technology Supercluster, this project is developing an open-source quantum computing education resource hub, consisting of curriculum tools, web applications, quantum computing games, and various curriculum materials.
A major objective is also to provide training for teachers, so that they may feel comfortable and empowered in bringing quantum computing lessons to their students. A 'quantum computing kit' will be offered, which includes a teacher's guide to quantum computing, activities that can be run in the classroom, and guided e-notebooks to enable students to create their own software experiments. Many of the tools offered will interface to D-Wave's quantum processor, and allow students and teachers to run code directly on a real quantum computer.
With Indigenous people underrepresented in STEM careers, the project will also work with Indigenous education leaders to deliver proactive community-based outreach to one of the fastest-growing populations in the country.
To learn more, please visit this link.
Resources for learning about quantum computing
- Quantum Game - An online quantum mechanics puzzle game, suitable for ages 9 and up
- Quantum Hub (education resource hub) - currently under development
- Qubit Jump! - An online arcade game to introduce basic vocabulary
- Quantum Adventures! (Color Light Version) - An online quantum computing comics booklet with activity sheets
- Quantum Computing in Scratch - Quantum Computing games written in Scratch, a block-programming language for kids
- Quantum Computing in Scratch Challenges and Solutions - a list of challenges and solutions to the resource above